Tuesday 5 April 2011

Cow Juice

Movie Title: Milk
Genre: Drama
Director: Gus Van Sant
IMDb Page: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1013753/

Description of Movie: Sean Penn stars in the true story of Harvey Milk, a gay rights activist in the late 1970s. It follows his campaign to become the first openly gay elected official in the state of California.

Review: A beautifully told story that gives nothing but the facts. It is unrelentless as it leers in the face of homophobes everywhere. Sean Penn (in his Oscar winning role) reels you in and makes you shout by the end of the film to end the injustice. Despite it's content, the film manages to be kept very light and refreshing. I throughly enjoyed the fact that they managed to keep the content realistic. There really isn't too much more to say, it's gripping, stunning, wonderful, inspiring and depressing all in one go and despite the grim end it left a big smile on my face and a tear in my eye.

Letter Grade: A-
Buy, Rent or Skip?: Buy

"Dan White: Society can't exist without the family.
Harvey Milk: We're not against that
Dan White: Can two men reproduce?
Harvey Milk: No, but God knows we keep trying."

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