Thursday 14 April 2011

Container Shuttle

Movie Title: Bottle Rocket
Release Date: 1996
Genre: Comedy
Director: Wes Anderson
Starring: Owen Wilson and Luke Wilson
IMDb Page:

 Description of Movie: Antony, fresh from being 'busted out' of a mental asylum joins his friends Dignon and Bob in a life of crime that Dignon has planned to span 75 years. After their first small-scale robbery they hit the road only for Antony to fall madly in love with the Spanish-speaking maid at their hotel and Bob to run off to save his brother from a drug bust. Dignon learns the hard way that he can't always be in charge, but has to rely on his friendships to help him out of sticky situations.

 Review: I love Wes Anderson's films. They are so brilliantly quirky and the dialogue hilarious but full of heart. This film in particular astonished me because this happens to be Wes's directorial debut and yet he manages to portray his unique filmmaking style that I believed only to be apparent in his later films. Owen Wilson's character Dignon is just so funny. Always thinking up mad plans, robberies and heists, never backing down and always looking for a fight. This film is full of subtle laughs and must be watched with your full attention given as to not miss a single detail. I recommend it for a drizzly sunday afternoon or something to relax to after a long day of whatever the hell it is you do during the week. Give it the love it deserves, it's such a hidden gem with genuine moments of cinema genius. 

Overall Letter Grade: A
 Buy, Rent or Skip?: I'd say buy or rent, depending on how much of an indie film connaisseur you are.

Anthony: Which part of Mexico are you from? 
Inez: Paraguay. 

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